ARALU/AURUL is an association of retired professors, librarians and archivists who gather in a social manner to discuss issues of importance to those who have spent their academic career at Laurentian University.

The Association attempts to keep members aware of important events and decisions made by Laurentian University and aides in the fostering of the image of the institution locally and abroad. There is an elected Board that meets most months and an Annual General Meeting. Frequent luncheons are held at various restaurants in Greater Sudbury where members have the opportunity to engage in conversation with their colleagues. There are often guest speakers at the luncheons who provide information and advice on various issues of importance to retirees.

  • President: Joe Shorthouse
  • Vice President: Gloria Viverais-Dresler
  • Treasurer: Desmond Maley
  • Secretary: Ashley Thomson
  • Research Representative: Dick James
  • Communications: Ashley Thomson
  • Pension and Benefits Representative: Ron Chrysler
  • Social Convener: Gloria Viverais-Dresler

Members at large:

  • Roger Couture
  • Doug Hallman