Did You Know?

(Sudbury – 7 September 2017) The LUFA negotiating team met with the administration and a Provincial Conciliator on Tuesday, September 5, 2017. The meeting was once again typified by administrative intransigence, obfuscation, and delay. At the end of the day we asked for a “No Board Report.”  Seventeen days following the issuing of this report we will be in a legal strike position. The two sides also met on Sept. 6, but progress again was very slow. Our team has continued to make itself available for meetings throughout this month, including weekends, but the other side has only agreed to meet for five days at the end of the month.

This begs the question: Do they want a deal at all….?

The LUFA Executive

Members of LUFA’s negotiating team also spoke at “Labour Day in the Park” (Bell Park) on Monday, Sept. 4. See this lufa-media-release-4-september-2017.