“Come to the Table” – LUFA Barbecue on Sept. 14, 11:00 am-1:30 pm

(Sudbury – 10 September 2017)

Dear Colleagues,

We are writing to let you there has been a change of plan with respect to the LUFA Barbecue on Thursday, Sept. 14, about which we had emailed earlier.

Originally we intended the barbecue to be a members-only event. However, we are now billing it as “Come to the Table” – to which all students and faculty of the university are invited. Student association representatives, with whom we met this past week, have graciously offered their new student space in the atrium to hold the joint faculty-student event.

We will be also handing out information about our ongoing collective agreement negotiations – in particular, the need for the administration to come to the table as well as an FAQ for students.

The menu will be simplified to offer hotdogs and hamburgers (and their vegetarian/vegan equivalents), condiments, fudge, and assorted cold drinks.

We thank everyone who responded to our first email and hope that you can still come to thank the students for their support at this crucial moment.

The LUFA Executive